Autumn Equinox : Sunflower Teachings

Autumn equinox blessings to you. Our hearts are many. Our dreams radiate – Our task is to shine, and merge with the turning leaves, the drying grasses – the digging squirrels, the beets still growing in our gardens. Merge with the sunsets, arriving sooner every day. Merge with the darkness, and find the stars, luminous…

Angels of the Morning – take a walk in the garden

You haven’t heard from me in awhile, dear readers, and the reason why is I’ve been collecting my things and finding a new home and garden in which to dwell. And once several hours of dirt digging has taken place, and some sweat on sunny days – my spirit begins to connect with the earth,…

Tiger Swallowtails and Life

Faithful readers, you may have noticed it’s been a bit, a bite out of time since I last posted. I’ve had much to contemplate, places to travel, lovely connections with Earth, all narrowing down to this moment. Today, milkweed in full bloom and a tiger swallowtail butterfly in incredible perfection burst into my life as…

Snow Goddess Sings

Snow goddess sings in mallard wings through frosted dawn. Wink of another moon she paints across eastern skies and a new season rises. Reflected in whirled ice she lounges by creek bank in snowdrifts, coaxing, teasing water with old stories until it gurgles, chortling beneath solid surface. Snow goddess ecstatic in blizzard becomes the oak…

Covered with Flowers

On a magical plain in Wyoming flowers are blooming like wands. Their white flames touch my heart as I watch them swaying in morning sun, and there is a part of me that will stay here motionless outside of time in a slow dance cheek to cheek with the earth, Pachamama  covered with flowers, with…

Spuds of Joy!

Big smile. The first potatoes of the season are here! I decided to cheer up and dig a little. The hail storm I wrote about a few weeks ago TRULY pummeled the potato plants, their big dark leaves ripped and stems scarred all over. Five of them continued to wither, then finally dried up. I…

Mother Earth, We Love You

Slowing down, to savor the miracle of this earth. And, sitting in the garden this morning, silently thanking the spirit of the earth, Pachamama, for sustaining us. May we sustain her, with more grace and intelligence each day.

April Sun, Snowflakes and a Cup of Sweet Rose Tea

Not many words are needed for this spectacular morning on Earth. Just look, and click to enlarge – the sun shown at an angle through the delicate mounds of snow, and in several photos, captured the exquisite singular snowflakes themselves… This next is definitely a photo to enlarge – and the next two after this — please…

Just Before the Rain, or: When I Feel Fragile I Look to the Earth

My body feels fragile today. Human. Delicate. Unsettled. With love, and more than a little gratitude, I look to the earth: She always comforts me. With her intricacies, her breadth. And especially the details. All the glorious details. Though much has changed, since these perennials last sprouted, in my life, my heart – to see them…

A Fervent Planting Day, Spring Altar, and Persian Soup

A wildness is coursing through my veins, bucking winter out of nooks and crannies with a single minded purpose. Get out in that dirt, and start digging. When I did, I immediately unearthed three carrots from last fall – they were crisp, and looked so inviting I came back inside, kicked off my shoes, and ate…