The 2023 Zucchini Chronicles

I launched into this gardening season here in northern Colorado with a plan and a mindset. I would grow a “bush” zucchini rather than an indeterminate viney dragon-like variety delighting in rapidly growing to take over the bulk of my plot. As for my mindset, I was vowing to stay on top of production and…

Beauty of the Garden

Early mornings in this years garden plot have been so inspiring, my heart sings to be there, and I love to share the beauty. As the garden builds momentum, the glory of summer and how we can celebrate the earth right into our kitchens fills me with joy. I hope it does for you too….

Carrot Top Pesto – “root to stem” deliciousness

Aside from the fact that carrot top pesto is just plain delicious, using the whole plant from root to stem is a thoughtful thing to do, in the theme of  Waste Not Want Not. As some of you dear readers may remember, I just took part in the 2nd annual Slow Foods Nation in Denver, Colorado, where not…

Feta Stuffed Squash Blossom Summer Casserole

It was magical in the kitchen today. And it all started in the cool morning garden. 🙂 Take a quick peek:     Then I had to celebrate with all the vegetables I brought home. As I said on my Garden Mandala post earlier today, “Point me to a garden plot in late February and I’ll…

Garden Mandala – a gratitude of bounty

Show me a garden plot at the end of February and I’ll be happy through November. July 30, 2018 So much to love How does Pachamama hold such beauty? Today: Rainbow chard, mixed lettuces, purple kale, blue lake green beans, burgundy beans, snap and snow peas and their greens, beets, squash blossoms, cucumber, and herbs,…

May Day – Seeing Green in the garden

Gardening is embedded in my DNA, and reverberating in my heart. Growing, tending, dreaming, harvesting, cooking, sharing. Such bliss …. And another season of delight is beginning once again. This year’s garden is sprouting! Purple Peruvian potatoes … and the Red Sangres – Red and white, alternately planted onions. I bought these, and all the…

Autumn Equinox : Sunflower Teachings

Autumn equinox blessings to you. Our hearts are many. Our dreams radiate – Our task is to shine, and merge with the turning leaves, the drying grasses – the digging squirrels, the beets still growing in our gardens. Merge with the sunsets, arriving sooner every day. Merge with the darkness, and find the stars, luminous…

Grilled Zucchini Sausage Pie

Is your garden producing any morning glory tipi takeovers? (I love mine!) Or how about Zucchinis Of Unusual Size?  Hmmm, yes. Zucchinis Of Unusual Size are a common phenomena with just about anyone who plants a garden. And while I didn’t grow zucchini this season (I’ve got sunburst pattypan and butternut squashes, and pickling cucumbers…

Grilled Colorado Peach Caprese Salad

Colorado peaches are a treasure. Grown on the spectacular western slope of the state, the peach blossoms sometimes, some years, encounter spring snows, freezing the blossoms and wiping out the seasons’ harvests. So those blooms that make it, create a sublime peach that knows both cool night temperatures as are par usual, as well as…

Tomato Nirvana: Heirloom Tomato, Basil and Goat Cheese Tortilla Pizzas

Here in Colorado we have finally reached peak tomato ecstasy. I think for me it is truly a deep down, ingrained, hereditary love. Of tomatoes. A gift of tomatoes is a treasure indeed. Hot off the vine. Recently, from my plants and from my CSA share, I happily, gratefully gleaned purple Cherokees, Valencias, Green Zebras,…

A Midsummer Night’s Nicoise

It’s pure summer love. My inspiration began when I noticed the green beans in the garden were getting big enough to pick. And a few tomatoes gleamed from deep in their foliage. Salad Nicoise with a few liberties. You know, that French dish from long ago? Here’s to a  little breaking with tradition. What’s ripening…

Two Step Fresh from the Garden Thai Style Coconut Curry

I hope all your garden dreams are coming true this summer. It’s just about my favorite place to be, and favorite thing to do: garden as noun and garden as verb. ❤ This summer we seem to be blessed with few varmints in the garden, grateful for that. For this particular batch of curry, I did…