Two little Earth Angels

Back in mid-May, I was hankering for a walk out in nature – and chose the trail up above Spring Canyon park towards Dixon reservoir, about 10 minutes from my home. My back and body had been really hurting but I wanted to get out there. Some readers may know that I have a severe…

On Summer Solstice

On Summer Solstice Let there be a ceremony of Light in our hearts. Let our bodies move like sunflowers turn … turn, turning towards sun so there is this refracting, impossible burst, receiving, receiving it, and then Light bends, through deep recess, hiding places, stoney blocks of our histories: just like that flat out shining…

A Fish Tale ~ Colorado Kokanee Salmon

The alarm went off at 3:30 am and I truly leapt out of bed. Excited for an early morning adventure – I poured fresh brewed coffee into my mug, gathered my cooler and coat, then hit the road. I was driving through the dark morning hours up Highway 133 in southwest Colorado, making the right…

Strolling California … Lovely Markets and Other Treasures

Just home from a fantastic trip to San Francisco, Point Reyes, Stinson Beach, Napa and Sonoma deserves a small photo tribute, while I slowly return to life in Colorado … doing my best but still nearly speechless! (click on the first photo if you’d like a slideshow view) Of course, I am managing to savor luscious…

Itsy Bitsy Spiders

Change is beginning to charge pretty unmistakably through my life! On June 30, one entire year since I began this blog with an incredible garden by my side, I will be moving away from the North Fork Valley. I have so many feelings, thoughts, words. And then – choose it to be love. Just love….

Just Before the Rain, or: When I Feel Fragile I Look to the Earth

My body feels fragile today. Human. Delicate. Unsettled. With love, and more than a little gratitude, I look to the earth: She always comforts me. With her intricacies, her breadth. And especially the details. All the glorious details. Though much has changed, since these perennials last sprouted, in my life, my heart – to see them…

The revolution is here: a brand new urban balcony garden

I have always been a rebel. You know, I liked coloring outside of the lines. I liked to explore the woods behind our house and catch butterflies, raise pet mice and chameleons waaayyy more than playing with dolls. Fast forward and you’ll see me getting arrested for civil disobedience at a nuclear rally when I was 20. The list goes on, within…

Nights on a Farm in Wyoming

I’ve been staying at a farmhouse in central Wyoming for a few days while working in Riverton – huge sky, hay and alfalfa fields, with a rippling blue line of mountains in the distance. Besides farming, the couple also hunts and fishes most of their own meat, including elk, deer, antelope, turkeys, rabbits and big horn sheep….

A Moving-in Celebration (and) Eating Local in Denver

This weekend was a greatly anticipated trip to Denver to see my son and daughter-in-law, their new place in the city (and their two dogs, a beagle and chihuahua mix, and cat, of course!) Coming from my garden in rural Colorado and with the cherries, apricots and peaches literally bouncing off the trees right now gave me…